Providing Hope For Our Veterans and First Responders

Your donations will directly support our Veterans, Law Enforcement, First Responders and the programs provided for them.
Check out this great video of Taya Kyle and her new book American Spirit. Thank you for your encouragement and support for Operation Safe Haven!
The statistics are staggering… 22 Veterans take their lives every day due to PTSD and that number for First Responders is growing at an alarming rate! Many of these Heroes struggle with higher divorce rates, addictions and homelessness. Operation Safe Haven is changing that by providing hope!
Donnie knows firsthand what these heroes are going through. As a veteran and former police officer diagnosed with Complex PTSD, Donnie has struggled with addiction, shame, anxiety, depression, anger and thoughts of suicide. Not knowing where to turn, he just thought something was wrong with him and this was how life was just going to be… hopeless.
· Equine Therapy
· Peer-to-Peer Coaching
· Spouse Support Life Coach
· Physical Therapy/Yoga
· Retreat Center in Franklinville NJ with hiking, fishing, camping and much more…
When Donnie Davis kept hearing the alarming suicide statistics for veterans afflicted with post-traumatic stress disorder (22 a day, according to the VA’s 2012 Suicide Data Report), a thought kept crossing his mind: “Someone’s got to do something.”
Email us to schedule a tour!
Monday - Closed
Tuesday - Saturday - Appointment only
Sunday - Closed
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